Semper Grata Newsletter April 2024

Semper Grata

Always Welcome

Helping families and educating communities

This past week, the country went Eclipse crazy. I will admit, I joined. We were able to experience the total eclipse in Ohio and it was an overwhelming experience. The Moon blocking the Sun created an entirely different feeling and experience.

In this case, the eclipse occurred because the moon was in the way of the sun. Last week, our pastor wondered if we were experiencing an "Eclipse of God", where God's presence was less recognized or less valued because something was getting in the way. I think there is a lot to ponder about this idea.

But, when he spoke about this, I immediately wondered if we also had an "Eclipse of Kindness" in our society. Sometimes, it feels like people are so preoccupied with their own lives, they block out the light of kindness. Often we don't realize the kindness others have given to us or ignore times where a simple kindness on our part would make a world of differnce for someone else.

There are so many people in our society that are not fully included. Our kindness, respect, and sometimes assistance is needed to help make their lives better. I challenge you to check out a Miracle League baseball game in your area, volunteer in a class for kids with special needs as a reader or help with a field trip, or work with an organization to help make a house more accessible for someone. I promise you, you will feel better about the world and the light from that kindness will warm your soul.

Updates and Information


SSI vs SSDI: Which is Best for Disabled Adults

Resource- QR codes pdf

QR codes to essential forms and information about financial planning.

Blog-SSI Policy Change

Food will no longer count as In-Kind Support starting September 30, 2024.

Resource- National Parks Access Pass

Provides access to over 2,000 recreational sites manages by six Federal agencies to people with a permanent disability and other passengers in their vehicle.

A Big THANK YOU to the following sponsors of presentations on Planning for the Future: How to Protect a Loved One with a Disability: evening with parents sponsored by Bloomfield Hills, Birmingham, and Troy Public Schools (January 22, 2024), Michigan Transition Association Conference (February 21-23, 2024), and Michigan Council for Exceptional Children Conference (February 27-March 2, 2024).

If you are in the area, please join me at the following events: May 18, 2024 Northville (MI) Public Library Local Author Fair, June 1, 2024 Farmington (MI) Author & Book Festival, and September 22, 2024 at the Artalicious Fine Arts Fair (Adrian, MI).

Take care,


113 Cherry St #92768, Seattle, WA 98104-2205
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mdavid @sempergrata

Molly has created a place where families who have loved ones with disabilities can find information, support, and empathy.

Read more from mdavid @sempergrata

Semper Grata Always Welcome Helping families and educating communities Semper Grata website As many of you know by now, my beautiful daughter, Reagan, passed away in December 2023. It was nothing but a joy and pleasure to be her mom. Her happiness and strength were inspirational. She was the center of my world for 23 years and I am doing my best to figure out my new normal. I appreciate all the love and support I have received. A lot does not make sense right now, but what I do know is she...

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