Hi Reader,
December 3rd was International Day of Persons with Disabilities. The United Nations' 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development has a central premise is that they leave behind no one. They are working with governments, businesses, and public and private sectors to create a world that is more accessible and equitable. It is a noble goal.
On an individual level, it may feel like we can't affect the world in the way an organization like the U.N. can, but the change needed only happens at an individual level. The way we treat people, how we see people, and what we choose to take action on makes all the difference. Treating everyone you encounter with dignity and respect goes a long way toward creating an equitable society. Simple things like advocating for your child, educating people on disability issues, and ensuring that everyone has access to what they need is a great way to create the needed change.
No matter what holiday you observe this month, I wish you a joyful and happy celebration.
Transition- School to Work/Adult life- This links to Disability Rights Michigan’s website on transition services. Even if you don’t live in Michigan, it is a great guide for what to expect.
I am so grateful for my friends. I have a group of friends I have lunch with once a month. These people are amazing! I always feel joyful spending time with them and feel lighter when I leave them. They remind me that, in a world where so much happens electronically, personal connections are important.
Take care and look for the next newsletter in two weeks,
Molly has created a place where families who have loved ones with disabilities can find information, support, and empathy.
Semper Grata Always Welcome Helping families and educating communities Semper Grata website This past week, the country went Eclipse crazy. I will admit, I joined. We were able to experience the total eclipse in Ohio and it was an overwhelming experience. The Moon blocking the Sun created an entirely different feeling and experience. In this case, the eclipse occurred because the moon was in the way of the sun. Last week, our pastor wondered if we were experiencing an "Eclipse of God", where...
Semper Grata Always Welcome Helping families and educating communities Semper Grata website As many of you know by now, my beautiful daughter, Reagan, passed away in December 2023. It was nothing but a joy and pleasure to be her mom. Her happiness and strength were inspirational. She was the center of my world for 23 years and I am doing my best to figure out my new normal. I appreciate all the love and support I have received. A lot does not make sense right now, but what I do know is she...
Molly David Semper Grata Coming Soon! Welcome Reader, There are a lot of exciting things happening at Semper Grata. What started as a website to help parents find information has grown so much over the last year. Planning for the Future: Protecting a Loved One with a Disability has been out for a couple of months and I have received great feedback about the book. This is the type of information I needed when my daughter was younger. My author website is now live- mollydavidauthor.com. My...